Dragon Eyes

Dragon Eyes    

On Friday afternoons, we do Action Stations. This term, I chose to make Dragon Eyes.

First, we read some descriptions of dragons and identified their characteristics.

Then we completed a planning sheet, considering what we wanted our dragon to be like. We thought about personality color and features.

I decided I wanted my dragon to be playful, wintery and helpful.

After, we used the clay. We shaped  the clay into a dragon eye  and then we put detail on it. 

Finally, we painted them.            


life Education

We went to the live education van when we saw  Harold and Jo and they taught us about our brain and are Vines  and after that they told us that our  blood weren’t blue they were very very dark red And we also learned that water is good for your body It is very  Healthy. We learned that oxygen is very healthy for your body.  Ice and Joe and Harold takes us that we needed love sleep safety clean shelter oxygen food water and exercise . Joe and Harold said we need these things because it’s very very healthy for you and it keeps you. We need oxygen because it helps us stay alive and it keeps us healthy . We need sleep because it gives us energy so you don’t go early in the morning . We need water because it helps us live and it and you have to eat healthy food to stay alive .




today the strik team came to school and thay were play.